Episode #31: Algorithms, Dogs & Elections with @ValerieHeruska

In @BreakDrink Episode no. 31 @ValerieHeruska joins us to talk about dogs, elections, and technology conference experiences in no particular order. If you tweet at us to chat, we’re bound to open up the mic for a random conversation on the pod.
Algorithms, Dogs & Elections with @ValerieHeruska
In @BreakDrink Episode no. 31 @ValerieHeruska joins us to talk about dogs, elections, and technology conference experiences in no particular order. If you tweet at us to chat, we’re bound to open up the mic for a random conversation on the BreakDrink pod. 

Val heard the word algorithm many times at #edu18 so she wanted to come chat with us @BreakDrinkers about it after her trip to Denver. Here are a few things we talked about:
-- Braindate https://e180.co/we-do/ 
-- Educause Learning Initiative https://www.educause.edu/eli 
- What’s Intellectual Property (IP)? http://www.wipo.int/about-ip/en/
- Do you know what the IP laws & regulations at your higher ed institution?  Find out before you create and develop on/at/for your campus OR role!
- Fluids flowing -- coffee, drink tickets, and more... OH MY! {thanks to many tech vendors}
- Interesting perspective taking from a residence life/housing point of view to bring to the table that isn’t often looked at as a domain within Educause
- How do you define student success through your lens on campus? What does it mean when you bring different domains, disciplines and functional areas together to support student success with technology?
-- BONUS: Notes on Educause 2018 https://mfeldstein.com/notes-on-educause-2018/ by @mfeldstein
- Michele Norris - The Race Card Project https://theracecardproject.com/ 
- @AlexisOhanian has favorited a tweet & inspired Val to code for jobs of the future
- Software Carpentry https://software-carpentry.org/
- Speakers at AAMC: Dr. Angela Duckworth https://angeladuckworth.com/ & Anita Hill 
- Dallas Street Choir https://www.dallasstreetchoir.org/ 
- Bad algorithms are making racist decisions with Chris Gilliard on CBC Spark Podcast:

Association of American Medical Colleges https://www.aamc.org/  
Conference in Austin, TX: Learn Serve Lead 2018 (Nov. 2-6)

What’s the Scooter and Bike Situation in Your City?
Dallas = Dockless and Randomly Around the City
San Antonio = Docks... for now
Indianapolis = Running wild with GLACUHO* colleagues at a conference
GLACUHO (Great Lakes Association of College & Housing Officers) https://www.glacuho.org/ 

Rocky Mountain National Park https://www.nps.gov/romo/index.htm
Val climbing up the snowy, Rocky Mountain: https://www.instagram.com/p/BpxUqkagS_d/ 

@BreakDrink Election Eve (November 5, 2018) Chat:
- Vote Save America https://votesaveamerica.com/
The Things We’re Not Supposed to Talk about in Polite Conversation (episode no. 4)
- Voting is Public Record in the US https://www.census.gov/topics/public-sector/voting.html 

@BreakDrink Reads:
- Dare to Lead by Brene Brown https://daretolead.brenebrown.com/ 
- The Gay Place by Billy Lee Brammer https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/776728.The_Gay_Place 

@BreakDrink listens - podcast recommendations:
- Teaching Online Podcast (@TOPcast) https://cdl.ucf.edu/teach/resources/topcast/ 
- Professional Reputations Aside Podcast {ARCHIVES} https://player.fm/series/professional-reputations-aside 

@BreakDrink CHALLENGE: What should Jeff’s new pup be called? We will put an image of this nameless male pup on Instagram & Twitter. This large, white ball of fur fun is taking recommendations for a moniker - please send your recommendations to us via:
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