Episode #26: Battery Life Check
Battery Life Check
In this @BreakDrink episode, Laura checks Jeff’s energy levels at the midpoint of the semester.
Battery Life Check
In this @BreakDrink episode, Laura checks Jeff’s energy levels at the midpoint of the semester. You can try it out and find the audit at http://breakdrink.com/
Check your battery life.* Give yourself ONE (1) point (or half a point) for every statement you AGREE WITH below, in relation to your working life:
I am frequently irritated, impatient, or anxious, especially when demand or stress is high at work.
I do not spend enough time with my family and loved ones, and when I am with them I am not really with them.
I take very little time for the activities I really enjoy.
I rarely stop to express my appreciation to others or to savor and celebrate my accomplishments and blessings.
I often feel that my life is a relentless set of demands I am expected to meet and tasks I have to complete.
I am frequently irritated, impatient, or anxious, especially when demand or stress is high at work.
I do not spend enough time with my family and loved ones, and when I am with them I am not really with them.
I take very little time for the activities I really enjoy.
I rarely stop to express my appreciation to others or to savor and celebrate my accomplishments and blessings.
I often feel that my life is a relentless set of demands I am expected to meet and tasks I have to complete.
- I do not get enough sleep, i.e. less than 7-8 hours of sleep/night and/or I often wake up feeling tired.
- I often skip breakfast or settle for something unhealthy to eat in the morning.
- I do not include enough physical exercise (3x min./week and strength training (2x min./week) into my weekly routine.
- I do not take regular breaks during the day to renew and recharge.
- I often eat my lunch at my desk, if I eat any lunch at all. | Points
- I have difficulty focusing on one thing at a time and I am easily distracted by emails and/or text messages.
- I spend much of my time reacting to immediate demands instead of focusing on larger projects/activities/tasks.
- I do not take enough (or any) time in my schedule for reflection, strategizing, or creative thinking.
- I rarely have any time when my mind is quiet and free of thoughts.
- I often work on evenings and weekends and/or I rarely take an email-free vacation.
- I am not passionate about the work I do.
- I spend little time at work doing what I do best and enjoy the most.
- There is a gap between what I say is important in my life and how I actually live it.
- My decisions at work are often more influenced by external demands than by a strong, clear sense of my own purpose.
- I do not invest enough time and energy in making a positive difference to others and/or in the world.
*This battery life check activity has been adopted from the 2015 The Energy Project
Jeff’s battery life check results:
Physical score: 2.5
Emotional score: 0.5
Mental score: 2.5
Spiritual score: 0.5
Total: 6 => his battery life is moderately charged
Category Score Ratings:
5 burned out
4 fading
3 low battery energy life
2 moderate battery energy life
1 fully energized battery
Overall score:
17-20 burned out
13-16 fading
9-12 somewhat energized
5-8 moderately energized
< 5 fully energized
In this @BreakDrink episode, Laura checks Jeff’s energy levels at the midpoint of the semester. You can try it out and find the audit at http://breakdrink.com/
Questions to reflect on after “The Battery Life Check:”*
- Is this the life you want to live? Is the life you’re living worth the price you’re paying to live it?
- What behaviors are undermining your productivity and satisfaction?
- Why have you allowed these behaviors to persist?
Our recommendations for taking the time and making time:
- Do ANYTHING you want to do early in the morning and make it a habit. You will have more motivation earlier in the day (for most) and minimal distractions.
- Eliminate your mobile device from your wake up routine. Find a real alarm clock instead of setting your phone -- to avoid checking messages, email, or other notifications. If you want to wake up naturally, consider modifying the light in your bedroom to wake you up or open your curtains if you want to wake up with sunshine.
- Make early morning routines enjoyable and enticing. Find a way to create a morning routine that encourages you to get up and out of your cozy bed. This might be tasty fresh-ground coffee, a fuzzy robe, comfy slippers, meditation cushion, warm hoodie, etc.
- Find some time to pause in a quiet space by yourself. Find something to anchor yourself to a time in your day to just sit and “be” present. If it’s not the morning, then schedule in another consistent time you will take a break for some quiet solo thinking space. This might be using meditation or other app to support your work, guided music or voice, or even perhaps you own silent prayers. Find what works for you.
- Reflect and assess your own battery life and energy. How are things going? Are you focusing on the right things? Are you present in your emotional, spiritual, mental, and physical well-being? If not, what is one thing you could improve in any one of these areas?
@BreakDrink Podcast & Other Shout Outs:
- Hidden Brain episode: Why Did Marriage Become So Hard?
- Stepping Out. Living the FitBit life. by David Sedaris in The New Yorker
- 12 of The Best Books on Psychology, Philosophy, and How to Live Meaningfully
- Headspace: a mindful meditation app https://www.headspace.com/
- Andy Puddicombe’s TED Talk: All it takes is 10 mindful minutes
*The Battery Life Check was adopted from the Energy Audit 2015 from: https://theenergyproject.com/
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