Episode #23: TEDx BreakDrink

TEDxBreakDrink On episode no. 23 Jeff and Laura catch up on conference travel and teaching experiences. Here are a few resources discussed and shared in the last conversation we had about medical school education and giving TED-like presentations.
During a previous conversation (say in November... we know we’re podcast slacking), Jeff and Laura catch up on conference travel and teaching experiences. Here are a few resources discussed and shared in the last conversation we had about medical school education and giving TED-like presentations.

Med Schools & Competency-Based Education
The TED Talk or TED-like Presentations
Examples of TED Talks that landed these speakers a book deal:
Jeff’s message: “Do the work. Don’t worry about the talk.” BUT... he does appreciate the messages from these TED Talks from higher ed colleagues & friends: 
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