Episode #23: TEDx BreakDrink
On episode no. 23 Jeff and Laura catch up on conference travel and teaching experiences. Here are a few resources discussed and shared in the last conversation we had about medical school education and giving TED-like presentations.
During a previous conversation (say in November... we know we’re podcast slacking), Jeff and Laura catch up on conference travel and teaching experiences. Here are a few resources discussed and shared in the last conversation we had about medical school education and giving TED-like presentations.
Med Schools & Competency-Based Education
- Learn Serve Lead: The AAMC Annual Meeting 2017 https://www.aamc.org/meetings/annual
- American of American Medical Colleges https://www.aamc.org/
- Jeff met a friend of the pod, Sue, over coffee in Boston (listen to @BreakDrink Episode no. 6: #HECommitts); p.s. We <3 America’s Walkable Cities (like Boston)
- Medical Education Research Certificate (MERC) Program
- What Medical Schools are Looking for: Understanding the 15 Core Competencies + Pre-Professional Competencies
- Topcast Episode no. 31: WGU Did What? (Or Did They?)
- ACPA/NASPA Competency Areas for Student Affairs Educators + Rubrics
- NACADA Academic Advising Core Competencies Model
The TED Talk or TED-like Presentations
- TED (Technology, Entertainment, Design) https://www.ted.com/
- The power of vulnerability TEDx Houston Talk by Brene Brown’s
- What is an answering machine? [Jeff brought it up, so we thought we should explain it]
- Nancy Duarte - Slide:ology, Resonate, etc. http://www.duarte.com/ and her TED Talk The secret structure of great talks
- TED Talk presentation materials (to organize a TEDx event)
- How to sound smart in your TEDx Talk | Will Stephen | TEDxNewYorkCity
- Shout out Presentation RESOURCE from Paul Brown: Designing Kick Butt Presentations
Examples of TED Talks that landed these speakers a book deal:
- The puzzle of motivation TED Talk & follow up book Drive by Daniel Pink
- Your body language may shape who you are TED Talk & follow up book Presence by Amy Cuddy; 'Power Poses' Co-Author: 'I Do Not Believe The Effects Are Real'
Jeff’s message: “Do the work. Don’t worry about the talk.” BUT... he does appreciate the messages from these TED Talks from higher ed colleagues & friends:
- The shifting conversation around citizenship | Julissa Arce | TEDxTexasTechUniversity
- The sound of silence | Dr. Gage Paine| TEDxSanAntonio
- Choose Your Own Adventure: Career! | Steven Tomlinson | TEDxTraverseCity your own
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