Episode #2: Julissa Arce Shares Her Underground American Dream
For Episode #2 we were joined by our first guest: Julissa Arce.
For Episode #2 we were joined by our first guest: Julissa Arce. You can find show notes with links to resources
Find Julissa Arce:
Website: http://julissaarce.com/
Find Julissa Arce:
Website: http://julissaarce.com/
Twitter: @julissaarce #MyUndergroundAmericanDream
A few (of many) articles about Julissa’s story:
In recent events from President Trump’s executive order for an immigration ban, we had to talk about the impact it will have at a number of college and university campuses in the US. Here are a few things we talked about during this conversation, if you want to learn more:
Development/history of Homeland Security post 9/11
National Immigration Law Center (NILC): https://www.nilc.org/
Permanent Residence (PR) Process: https://www.uscis.gov/greencard
US Temporary Work Permits (not leading to PR):
Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA)
Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act - failed to pass
Development, Relief, and Education for Alien Minors (DREAM) Act - failed to pass
Portal https://dreamact.info/
Are there DREAMers at your campus? http://www.dreamersroadmap.com/
Bar Removal of Individuals Who Dream of Growing Our Economy (BRIDGE) Act S.3542 — 114th Congress (2015-2016)
TX House Bill 1403: Residency & In-State Tuition (via Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board)
Keep HB 1403: http://keephb1403.com/
Julissa’s TX Women’s Scholarship from Rick Perry - we think she is one of the “brightest rays of hope for the future,”
Julissa Celebrating Spanish Heritage Month at the Whitehouse + Facebook Live video October 2016 -- dancing at the WhiteHouse & a thank you note from Obama for the book. #awesomesauce
Resources For Higher Ed Educator
Educators for Fair Consideration: http://www.e4fc.org/ [resources, scholarships, and more]
General suggestions for working with undocumented students:
- Be kind
- Help/listen to your your students issues/challenges
- Ask further questions for understanding their needs
- Ensure your Career Center is giving out the correct employment information
- Identify where your students can ask questions and get further resources/help beyond you on and off campus
A few resources listed on Julissa’s website as well: http://julissaarce.com/resources
Check with your own institution for support around undocumented and DACA students -- NOW!
Maybe Julissa will be coming to a campus near you? http://julissaarce.com/events/
Thanks so much for chatting with us Julissa -- we learned so much from your story, and we hope others benefit from what you have shared in your book as well.
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