Episode #16: Back To School Goals
In listening to fellow podcaster, @Katie__Linder’s reflections and questions on You’ve Got This, Episode 59: Preparing for a New Season, we were reminded that we have not taken any time out of our own schedule to think about our own #BackToSchool goals. We both like to set goals before the academic “new year” starts, but this year August was a bit much for both. The start of the school year took over -- so for episode no. 16 we're setting some goals now.
Back To School Goals 2017
In listening to fellow podcaster, @Katie__Linder’s reflections and questions on You’ve Got This, Episode 59: Preparing for a New Season, we were reminded that we have not taken any time out of our own schedule to think about our own #BackToSchool goals. We both like to set goals before the academic “new year” starts, but this year August was a bit much for both. The start of the school year took over -- so for episode no. 16 we're setting some goals now.
In listening to fellow podcaster, @Katie__Linder’s reflections and questions on You’ve Got This, Episode 59: Preparing for a New Season, we were reminded that we have not taken any time out of our own schedule to think about our own #BackToSchool goals. We both like to set goals before the academic “new year” starts, but this year August was a bit much for both. The start of the school year took over -- so for episode no. 16 we're setting some goals now.
In this @BreakDrink episode no. 15, we sit down with the questions posed from the #ygtpodcast. Listen to our own we started reflecting on what we’ve accomplished over the summer and we began thinking about the goals we want to reach (or score) ahead. You get why we’re casting a wide net with this futbol/soccer metaphor when you listen to our responses.
If you’re thinking of setting some #BackToSchool goals -- it’s not too late. Here are a few questions to think about before you sit down to start planning the next school year, academic semester, or the end of 2017:
- How did the summer go? What are some things you really enjoyed? What went well the past few months?
- What is something that did not go as well or you were able to get to over summer, that you want to in the coming months? What did you regret not prioritizing?
- What are you most looking forward to about this new school year or academic semester? What is it that you're looking forward to in the next few months?
- Is there anything coming up in this academic year/semester you might be nervous about? Is there something you’ve been avoiding doing or thinking about because you don’t know how it will go?
- How can you prepare yourself for this upcoming school year/semester, both for the good things that are happening and the things you’re not so sure about?
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