Episode #12: Can You Read Audio?
Can You Read Audio? In episode no. 12, Laura breaks from her #ShutUpAndWrite session to talk with Jeff about audio books vs. print books. Is the medium the message? Does it matter? We reference audiobooks and how we listen or “read” and what it means to read with audiobooks.
Can You Read Audio?
In episode no. 12, Laura breaks from her #ShutUpAndWrite session to talk with Jeff about audio books vs. print books. Is the medium the message? Does it matter? We reference audiobooks and how we listen or “read” and what it means to read with audiobooks.
FYI: What is #ShutUpAndWrite, you ask? Scholarly time to get some research and writing done. But it does not have to be done in isolation.
Have you read _____. If it was an audio book what would you say? Did you read it? Or consume it, if you were listening to it? A few interesting reads...
- Does Listening Count as Reading?
- Is Listening to Audiobooks Really the Same as Reading?
- As Far As Your Brain Is Concerned, Audiobooks Are Not ‘Cheating’
- Science say reading actual books is good h/t @profpeaton
- Is listening to a book ‘cheating?’
Does how we take in knowledge and information, reading or listening, matter?
- The rise of “Speed Listening”
- Is speed reading actually possible?
- Apple is going to let podcast creators — and advertisers — see what listeners actually like
- Apple podcasts new analytics (formerly known as iTunes)
- We listen to audiobooks on: Overdrive and Audible
We give a hat tip to BreakDrink episode no. 8 where we talk about our love of library and getting back to reading you want to do. Much of our own reading experiences come from what we started to read and what genres we are drawn to. P.s. Laura welcomes a sci-fi book recommendation to dip into this genre.
How does narration or audio version of a book impact what we hear?
We discussed listening to certain authors and how they impact our “reading” as we listen. One example is listening to Chuck Klosterman on an interview with Bill Simmons before listening to his audiobooks. But not ALL of his books were narrated by him, like his new book: What if We Were Wrong with the narration by a British female reader. This threw off Jeff who already knew his voice. Laura thinks he should have bought the analog (print) format. Another example of storytelling and the delivery of the story that we love is done by David Sedaris. We listen, read, and hear him live -- the way he expresses himself in his short, satirical tales are brilliant. Here’s the FitBit article I mentioned published in the New Yorker called “Stepping Out.” Sorry JJ, you will have to actually read this one, but it’s worth it.
@BreakDrink Reading List
Daring Greatly - Brené Brown
Subterranean - James Rollins
No is Not Enough - Naomi Klein
Alexander Hamilton - Rob Chernow
Grapes of Wrath - John Steinbeck
Death by Meeting - Patrick Lencioni
What If We Were Wrong - Chuck Klosterman
Let’s Explore Diabetes with Owls - David Sedaris
@BreakDrink Podcast Listens
NPR Wow in the World - a podcast for curious kids & their grown-ups; 2x per week
The Turnaround - Jesse Thorne flips the script to interview the interviewers; a few thoughts from Laura’s blog on tips and tricks for interviewing (research or podcasting)
.future - podcast from Gimlet and Microsoft; topics around technology and society for what lies ahead
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